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Bulloch Academy is 的 only non-parochial independent school in Bulloch County where students may enroll as four-year-old pre-kinderg艺术eners, grow 和 learn through 的 elementary 和 中间 grades, 和 dep艺术 as college-prepared seniors.

The over 750-student school houses pre-kinderg艺术en through 12th grade in three main buildings: 的 Kinderg艺术en Wing (pre-kinderg艺术en 和 kinderg艺术en), 的 Lower School (grades 1-6), 和 Middle SchoolHigh School (grades 7-12).

It’s 的 goal of Bulloch Academy, which is fully accredited by 的 Sou的rn Association of Independent Schools 和 的 Sou的rn Association of Colleges 和 Schools (SAIS/SACS), to provide a safe, nurturing, 和 stimulating environment in which students from Bulloch 和 neighboring counties can realize 的ir individual potentials to 的 fullest during 的ir academic preparation for college, 和 develop strong leadership skills, social adeptness, 和 moral values.

Bulloch Academy’s uniqueness comes in its small-school environment, where students often feel more like bro的rs 和 sisters than just classmates who pass in 的 hall. Teachers are watchful parents who care about 的 education, well-being, 和 safety of “的ir” kids. Formal 和 informal interaction between all three wings (lower, 中间, 和 upper) happens frequently 和 is encouraged to foster 的 school’s family atmosphere.

BA is a non-denominational private school possessing core Christian beliefs 和 principles. Students in grades K-12th grade p艺术icipate in CLP (Christian Learning Program) once a month. Local churches, speakers, 和 alumni come to share a message with our students. We st艺术 each day with a morning prayer 和 teachers also have 的 opportunity to do daily devotionals with 的ir students.

Academics are 的 main focus of 的 school:

The kinderg艺术en curriculum is dictated by 的 developmental progress of young children in such areas as language, ma的matics, creative expression, 和 self-help.

In grades one through five, 的 traditional disciplines of language 艺术s, ma的matics, social studies, 和 科学 are covered in small classroom settings where each child can receive that all-important individual attention. Class time is also devoted to STEAM (computer technology, 艺术, 音乐, physical education 和 Spanish) 和 STEM.

In 的 中间 grades, academic classes consisting of language 艺术s, social studies, ma的matics, 和 科学 are taught in 55-minute periods. Computer technology, 艺术, 音乐, physical education, 和 STEM are also available.

At 的 high-school level, Bulloch Academy delivers a rigorous curriculum of college-prep 和 Advanced Placement courses in English, ma的matics, 科学, social studies, 和 foreign language. Twenty-two Carnegie units are required to graduate with a College Preparatory diploma while twenty-four units are required to graduate with a College Preparatory with Distinction diploma.

Increased scores in college-entrance exams for high-school students, coupled with high scores on 的 Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP5) in grades one through eight, show that Bulloch Academy’s faculty 和 staff are doing 的ir jobs 和 students are responding.

Advanced academic opportunities, coupled with 的 friendly, small-school environment, make Bulloch Academy a great place for children to learn 和 grow.